ICTs applied to translation and teaching of languages

Human cloning

Human cloning Introducción

In this vertiginous and impressive scientific development genetics stands out. It has given positive fruits to humanity and can even create the possibility of using this knowledge for good or evil. Cloning is the process of making copies of a complete specimen or a part of it (a specific DNA fragment, generally a gene). In order to do that the DNA sequence is isolated and implanted in a microorganism, used as a cloning vector of to obtain copies of the inserted fragment.


Through this procedure we can replace a damaged tissue or organ by another one that is healthy. We can avoid the extinction of species that are in danger or even recover extinguished species gathering the genetic material of these species and to making clones of these species that are genetically equal.


The reduplication of the human being implies a manipulation of the human species to be able to create copies of ourselves, something that the human beings are against because it breaks our moral and ethical laws. That would create a change in the type of reproduction that we have at the moment since clonation is a type of asexual reproduction.


Clonation can become a benefit if it is used to save lives, but our opinion is that cloning goes against natural laws, and does not respect the cycle of life.

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