Alcalá la Real

Alcalá la Real is a village located in the province of Jaén, situated between Jaén (71 km) and Granada (53km). It has a population of approximately 21,129 and a surface of 262 square kilometres. It is located in a zone that communicates the Guadalquivir Valley with Granada. It is located on the Hill of the Mota.
Its main economic activities are the cultivation of olive grove and of cherry tree, cattle (sheep and goats), craft and the industry of plastic and metals.
Famous people have walked along its streets, such as the sculptors Pablo de Rojas and Martínez Montañés, the composer Pep Ventura and the writer Arcipreste de Hita. Alcalá la Real is the head office of the award Arcipreste de Hita.
Its food is typically Mediterranean. In summer with the high temperatures they eat "gazpacho", "pipirrana" or "ajoblanco" in winter, sausages, blood sausages and bacon.
ETNOSUR (Festival of Ethnic Meetings in the Mountain Range of the South) is celebrated in June, there are concerts, forums, plays, circus, craft workshops, dance... Its importance has been increasing, reaching 40,000 visitors in 2006! In my opinion, Etnosur is a fantastic festival because many young people from Andalucia go there and there is big variety of activities.
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