ICTs applied to translation and teaching of languages

Human cloning


Cloning is obtaining one or several individuals from a single cell of a nucleus of another individual, so that the cloned individuals are identical or almost identical to the original one. The first experiment of cloning in vertebrates was in 1952 with guinea pigs and frogs. Later Ian Wilmut’s team, at the Roslin Institute of Edinburgh managed to obtain the cloning of a sheep.


In spite of the fact that many people are in opposition to cloning, this supposes a great advance in the world of medicine and science. Thanks to cloning they might treat many diseases and even avoid transplant operations of organs. Besides cloning might recover extinguished species.


For many people this supposes a great threat for human beings since they think that it is immoral and a great danger for humankind. And it is not impossible that cloning might be a danger in future if misused with economic and not ethical benefits.


On the one hand I agree with cloning because I think that it will have many benefits for medicine and it can help many ill people. But on the other hand, I also think that it might be a threat if it is not used to improve medicine or science.

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